
Deadlands: Dead Man's Hand Graphic Novel

Created by Outrider Publications

A collection of comic stories by top creators set in the Weird West of Shane Lacy Hensley's Deadlands!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Dead Man's Hand Update
over 2 years ago – Wed, May 25, 2022 at 12:53:50 AM


Apologies for the silence, I had thought I'd be in touch about surveys and all before now and time kind of slipped away from me. 

So, this being our first campaign, we ended up with some logistics issues concerning our linked account and the surveys. We are pretty confident we got all that fixed, and surveys should be cleared to go out this week.

Everything else is moving along nicely. All the pre-printed materials (Cackler books and playing cards) have been shipped to the fulfillment center at FunAgain, final print files for the main book are done and off to the printer. On The Kid, we have everything but the tease cover for issue 2 (which I'm working on even as you read this), and then that will be ready to go to print. As we mentioned the second series, now named The Black Circle,  was still in production during the campaign, so it is still in process, but we have two-thirds of the first issue penciled, half of it inked, and colors in process, so, we expect to have that done in June easily and off to the printer.

This means we are still very much on track for hitting our original delivery deadline of August!

I also know a number of folks have asked follow up questions so let me cover a couple of those here:

Digital Copies: You will be able to download the digital copies directly in PDF format, or download them through your Drive-Thru Comics account for credit. If you don't have an account with the FIRST digital comic download platform you really should, lots of cool titles there.

To Those Who Missed Out: Things happen, we get it, we are working out logistics of what we can offer for pre-order and direct order following fulfillment to our backers. ALL Outrider books will be available for direct sales, so if you miss a campaign, you can still get the books, you will also be able to catch up on previous titles with each campaign. So, rest easy, it might take some time, but as long as you stay tuned here, you will get your chance.

I think that covers it for now, if anyone has any questions or comments feel free to reach out. I will update you as soon as we have something for you all. Until then, ride tall, ride proud, ride strong!

almost 3 years ago – Fri, May 06, 2022 at 05:02:07 AM


Hey, WOW, I'm blown away, humbled, astounded, and just overflowing with gratitude over the amazingly successful campaign we just wrapped! Made possible by each and every one of you, so THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts! 

We came SOOOOOOO close to hitting that $20K challenge, and I know a number of you went the extra mile in these last four days to share, increasing pledges, bribing relatives, etc. To be less than a thousand away, well, it could be heartbreaking, BUT, it doesn't have to be!

We virtually funded this 500% which means this is an absolute win, for Outrider's first campaign, an absolute win for Deadlands comics, and we think an absolute win for every one of our Outriders, our backers, and supporters!

So, we're adding some CELEBRATION GOALS:

1. We will now be adding a Thank You page to the collection listing all of our 550+ Outriders!

2. Every physical backer will now also be getting your official badge - an Outrider logo sticker!

Ya'll have earned your spots in our posse! You are all Outriders!

And, last but not least...

3. Everyone's getting Deadlands: The Nacogdoches Incident #1!!

Yeah, you know what, that was a big challenge so, boom, you all earned it! Same as with the other comics, if you ordered a digital tier, you'll get a digital copy, physical tier you'll get a physical copy.

One thing to note...

We really hadn't planned to release this book this early, because it is still in production. Everything else we've offered is done and ready for print, but this book will take a little while to finish up. The good news is, right now, we are still planning to hit our August delivery date, or earlier, even with this, but want to be upfront, things might be a little slower so we can catch up.

Well, folks, we will be in touch soon with surveys and announcing our next major campaign for

Deadlands: Raven!

Final Update Before We Wrap! Follow Our Folks!
almost 3 years ago – Fri, May 06, 2022 at 04:48:49 AM

Evening Outriders!

We are in the final hours now, solidly in the $18K Block, but slowing. Still, we got tonight and tomorrow morning, I still think we can hit that $20K challenge!

This will be my final update before the campaign ends, then once it ends, I'll be updating everyone about next steps. Then we've got a lot of printing and shipping to do. :)

If you want to make sure you stay up to date on all our upcoming projects, not all of which will run through Kickstarter, as some will be going straight to the book markets, I'd suggest you sign up for our various newsletters and updates.

Our main publisher is Outland Entertainment, and you can sign up for their newsletter at their site. You can also check out all their cool titles for books, comics, and games.

Outrider has its own mini-site focusing on all our Pinnacle licensed projects.

Outrider Editor-in-Chief C. Edward Sellner (yours truly), I have my own site and newsletter, where I will be announcing all Outrider projects, other licensed books, and my own upcoming projects as well. Plus my subscribers get exclusive perks like free comics.

You can also check out my studio site for Visionary Creative Services, which manages production on a lot of these projects.

If you're into social media, you can also follow Outland Entertainment on all their sites...

Twitter @OutlandEnt
Instagram @OutlandEntertainment
Facebook @OutlandEntertainment
YouTube Outland Entertainment
Discord Outland Entertainment

And me on mine...

Facebook and Twitter.

And if you've discovered Deadlands through our comics, and are now interested in the game, all that info is at Pinnacle's main site, along with all their other fantastic gaming properties.

Until tomorrow when we get the WRAP SESSION - ride tough, ride tall, ride proud, Outriders! You all are the best!

We're On Our Way!
almost 3 years ago – Wed, May 04, 2022 at 09:06:19 PM

Wow, Outriders! Yesterday was our single biggest day EVER! Even bigger than our launch day! We had 83 Backers join the posse, and raised just over $3K!!!

We've already picked up another $1K today, with over 20 more backers, bringing us up to over 500 total, and it ain't even high noon yet!

I had some folks tell me when I put out our $20K challenge that I was losing it, that's too high, too much!

Nah, I said, we are the Outriders! Together we will make it happen!


I'm going to be putting out another update this evening with a bunch of links to our imprint, publisher, creators, etc. so all you fine folks can check them out!

We appreciate each and every one of you, truly! You're making dreams come true!

HOLEY MOLEY! What happened?!?!?
almost 3 years ago – Wed, May 04, 2022 at 11:15:45 AM

So, I go out to do some yard work today, enjoying the nice weather, feeling we got a comfortable cruise here and will definitely hit our $14k stretch goal, and I then come back in and...

Wait, is that the right campaign?


450+ Backers!!!

Not 14K, not just 15K, but close to $16K!!!


So, here we are, SPOT UV is a go! Every DMH hardcover will be upgraded with Spot UV to enhance it!

And that $15K Stretch Goal we had planned...

Every backer gets an exclusive mini-print of brand new Deadlands art by the amazing Steve Ellis.

Same as the others, if you backed digital, you'll get the desktop art/screensaver, if you backed physical, you'll get a mini-print added in. So, feast the eyes my Outriders...

And we obviously need a $16K... So, um, yeah, we will do something cool. Just not sure what yet.